
Included In:
Audio Basic Professional

Purchase this course for $179.99

Assumed Knowledge: Strengthening the Core of Social Cognition

6.0 Hours

Course Description

This course explores the social thinking concepts that the Core Curriculum assumes to be present and developing along a typical course in students. However, students who may have diagnoses such as ASD, ADHD, NVLD, Language Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Social Communication Disorder or Twice Exceptional often struggle with this social learning, so that their ability to learn becomes limited. We will begin by reviewing multiple outcome standards across the Core Curriculum, focusing on literacy and classroom communication. An issue for most students with social learning challenges, we will review a number of strategies that can be helpful in building understanding of intention, behavior, and effect. We will look at some of the factors that intercept inference, whether in a picture book, textbook, media excerpt or social situation, and strategize some approaches for intervention. We will focus on emotional development and its role in core curriculum. We will review how we can support emotional learning, whether as part of our individual or group therapy, or in the classroom. We will discuss the underlying social cognitive constructs of conversation and classroom discussion. We will talk about the importance of perspective, emotions and flexibility, and review some basic conversational choices. A systematic way of working on spontaneous conversation will be presented and practiced using small group activities. Lots of therapy video examples will be viewed throughout the day.

All courses included for $189 / Year


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

List four social cognition concepts central to Core Curriculum State Standards.
Define jump cuts and provide one example relevant to a student with whom they work.
Develop three activities to support emotional learning in the students with whom they work.
Demonstrate how to use a conversation map to support students in expanding their conversation skills.

About Presenters

Anna Vagin


Anna Vagin, PhD, is a licensed speech/language pathologist with over 30 years experience. Currently in private practice in Marin County, she provides individual sessions and social learning groups to families and children 6 months through young adulthood. Her particular interest is using media to support social thinking in students with diagnoses such as ASD, ADHD, NVLD, Language Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Social Communication Disorder or Twice Exceptional.

Additional Information

Introductory Level
0.60 ASHA CEUs

ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products or clinical procedures.

Course Timeline

15 min: Introduction
30 min: Social thinking & amp; CCSS
90 min: Working with jump cuts & amp; inference
120 min: Activities for emotional development & amp; social learning
90 min: Strategies to develop conversation skills
15 min: Closing remarks; questions and answers

Course Disclosure

The content of this course is based on the research and experience of the presenter. You are responsible to do your own research to determine if the information and skills taught are appropriate for your clients/students/patients.
Disclosure Statement for Anna Vagin
Financial Anna Vagin is the creator of Conversation Paths and receives compensation from its sale. She received compensation for this presentation from SpeechTherapyPD.com.
Nonfinancial No relevant non-financial relationships exist.

Anna Vagin


Included In:
Audio Basic Professional

Purchase this course for $179.99