Start Your Own Telepractice, Now! - William Connors, M.A., CCC-SLP, Certified TCC provider
Telepractice, providing treatment and services from a distance, represents a rapidly growing opportunity in the field of rehabilitation. This course will primarily focus on how to start or grow a telepractice. Practical skills, techniques, technology, and tools that a therapist can use to most efficiently and effectively use telepractice to treat patients and expand business will be discussed in detail. The course will demonstrate how to schedule, host, conduct and save notes for a telepract... |
Telepractice Made Easy - William Connors, M.A., CCC-SLP, Certified TCC provider
This course will introduce the basics of providing services at a distance using telepractice. Practical skills, techniques, technology, and tools that a therapist can use to most efficiently and effectively use telepractice to treat patients will be discussed. This course will also discuss administrative concerns such as professional, regulatory, and technological information relative to telepractice. Since these issues are changeable and fluid, resources on how to stay up to date will be prov... |
The Nuts and Bolts of Supervision - Ashley A. Northam, M.S. CCC-SLP
This presentation will cover the gamut of supervision with a variety of individuals including site staff such as EA/IA, classroom based assistants, medical assistants, nursing staff, and levels of student clinicians in addition to other assistants. Best practice suggestions or a collaborative working relationship with different levels of assistants will be discussed. An overview of various state examples of the legally mandated guidelines for supervision of SLPAs, including those that are stud... |
Treatment for Cognitive Disorders following TBI - Kristen King, PhD, CCC-SLP
In a TBI population, cognitive changes are often the most salient features after traumatic brain injury of any severity, and they typically contribute more to a persisting disability than do physical impairments. These changes may include negative impacts on attention, memory, processing speed, and multiple other aspects of cognition and language. However, the cognitive aspects of brain injury and their impact on language and everyday function are often overlooked for various reasons. This pre... |
Treatments for Feeding, Speech & Mouth Functions in Pediatrics - Diane Bahr, MS CCC-SLP CIMI
Early intervention and pediatric treatment are changing. There are not enough resources to serve the numerous children with feeding, speech/communication, and mouth function problems (e.g., those with prematurity, autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, other congenital disorders, etc.). Occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, early intervention specialists, dieticians, pediatricians, nurses, and others need detailed information to make appropriate referrals, choose appropriate t... |
Working with Children with Hearing Impairment - Judith Belk, Ph.D. CCC-SLP, Aud. and Leigh Leslie, MA
School-based speech-language pathologists and their assistants are prime players in managing therapeutic approaches for students diagnosed with unilateral or bilateral hearing loss and/or with auditory processing disorders (APD). While hearing impairment is a long recognized disability area recognized by special education law, auditory processing is not (yet) one of those areas. Technology has provided a changing landscape of possibilities for providing children with hearing loss with opportun... |
Grief: The Reaction to Loss
Grief: The Reaction to Loss is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that teaches healthcare professionals how to recognize and respond to grief.
Grief is the reaction to loss. People grieve for the loss of someone they love, but they also grieve for the loss of independence, usefulness, cognitive functioning, and physical abilities. Grief is also a lifelong process: a journey rather than a disease that is cured. It changes over time to deal with different kinds of losses. It... |
Managing Anger & Aggressive Behavior
Managing Anger & Aggressive Behavior is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that provides strategies for dealing with anger and aggression in clinical practice.
Healthcare professionals in every specialty have had experiences with anger and aggression, sometimes finding themselves the target of their clients’ anger. We are human, and all of us are subject to the full range of human emotions, even as therapists within the context of professional encounters with our clients. Wh... |
Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness
Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores the stigmas around mental illness and provides effective strategies to overcome them.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines mental illness stigma as “a range of negative attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors about mental and substance use disorders.” Mental health and substance use disorders are prevalent and among the most highly stigmatized... |
Spirituality & Aging
Spirituality & Aging is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that offers an insight into how spirituality influences the lives of elders in our care.
Spirituality and religious beliefs provide coping mechanisms for issues related to aging and have been proven to have a protective factor. Elders with higher levels of spirituality have better mental and physical health, and are less anxious about aging.
This course provides an accessible tool kit for healthcare professiona... |
Gender and Transgender Identity
Gender and Transgender Identity is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that reviews issues in the formation of gender and transgender identity. After viewing oneself as a human being, the most important aspect of our self-concept is that we are a male person or a female person. That is the very essence of our humanness and the most basic sense of who we are. To experience a conflict between our physical body and our concept of maleness or femaleness is the most fundamental existen... |
Motivation: Igniting the Process of Change
Motivation: Igniting the Process of Change is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores the question: how do we tap into, ignite and harness our motivation?
We will begin with a discussion about why clinicians need to know this information and how this information can be helpful in working with clients.
Next, we will look at the research behind motivation, decipher between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, and explore the roots of what keeps us motivated now,... |
Counseling Victims of Natural Disasters
Counseling Victims of Natural Disasters is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that examines how to help the victims, and witnesses, of natural disasters.
We may ask ourselves: What can be done for the victims of natural disasters? Beyond the physical needs, such as safety, food, and water, there remains the emotional residue of living through an experience that threatens one’s life. This course will address these emotional needs.
This course offers healthcare professi... |
Supportive Communication for the Child with Special Needs
Supportive Communication for the Child with Special Needs is a 1-hour audio continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides practical tips for helping parents to communicate with their child who has special needs.
Parenting a child with special needs comes with many challenges. Parents are often under pressure, not knowing what to expect or how to react and manage the behaviors their child may present. Children who have supportive and caring parents who understand their needs generally e... |
Psychological Effects of Media Exposure
Psychological Effects of Media Exposure is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores the psychological effects that media exposure has on both the witnesses and victims of traumatic events.
This course will explore why we are so drawn to traumatic events and how media portrayals of these events influence our thoughts, conclusions, and assumptions about them. It will then discuss how the intersection of trauma and media has evolved to provide a place for celebrity-li... |
The Suicide Survivor
The Suicide Survivor is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE) course that provides an understanding and means for helping the people who have lost loved ones to suicide.
One of the most difficult and complex emotional adjustments many individuals will ever face is the challenging and often lengthy process of dealing with the suicide of a family member or other loved one. These people are called suicide survivors; the family members and close friends who have experienced the death of a f... |
Poise: The Psychology of Posture
Poise: The Psychology of Posture is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores how body language can be used to better understand our clients and improve their lives.
It is said that non-verbal communication represents two-thirds of all communication. Whether it be through gestures, posture, facial expressions, personal space or eye contact, how we position and move our bodies sends a message to those we are speaking to. Our poise is often a very telling look into ho... |
Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that reviews the current literature on the medical, legal, educational, occupational, and ethical aspects of marijuana.
In spite of the fact that more than half of the states in this country have enacted legislation legalizing marijuana in some fashion, the reality is that neither the intended “medical” benefits of marijuana nor its known (and as yet unknown) adverse effects have been adequately examined using con... |
Preventing Medical Errors & Improving Patient Safety
Preventing Medical Errors & Improving Patient Safety is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that illustrates the kinds of errors that occur in healthcare practice and offers strategies to help clinicians increase their effectiveness, thereby reducing the potential for making “medical” errors. This course satisfies the requirements of the Florida State Legislature mandating a two-hour course relating to the prevention of medical errors as part of the licensure and renew... |
The Psychological Effects of Ostracism
The Psychological Effects of Ostracism is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores the effects of ostracism in both children and adults.
This course will explore the reasons why ostracism occurs – from feelings of moral superiority to differences in physical appearance, and even the idea that ostracism is necessary to insure social cooperation. We will then examine the ways in which ostracism leads to feelings of aggression, hostility, the tendency to endorse ext... |
High Functioning Autism in Children
High Functioning Autism in Children is a 4-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides strategies to help children with HFA navigate the "neurotypical" world with success.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as of April 2018, the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is increasing. This increase includes children on the higher end of the spectrum; those who have what is informally referred to as “high functioning” ASD. In this course we... |
Cyberbullying is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that reviews evidenced-based research for identification, management and prevention of cyberbullying in children, adolescents, and adults.
Bullies have moved from the playground and workplace to the online world, where anonymity can facilitate bullying behavior. Cyberbullying is intentional, repeated harm to another person using communication technology. It is not accidental or random. It is targeted to a person with less... |
IEP Goals: S.M.A.R.T.E.R. STEPS® Guide
IEP Goals: S.M.A.R.T.E.R. STEPS® Guide is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides a framework for writing legally compliant IEP goals.
Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings give parents and professionals a chance to work together to design an IEP for children with learning disabilities who have been determined eligible for special education. The goals for academic achievement and functional performance set for each child are the core of the IEP. Goals r... |
Gaming Disorder and Internet Addiction
Gaming Disorder and Internet Addiction is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE) course that examines the controversial mental health condition of gaming disorder, and the broader concept of internet addiction.
Parents, educators, and health care professionals have all expressed concerns about the proliferation of electronic devices and their negative effects throughout our society. Professional organizations have moved toward considering that the overuse of such devices may be diagnosab... |
Effects of Digital Media on Adolescents
Effects of Digital Media on Adolescents is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores how the digital world is affecting teens of successive generations.
It is becoming clear that the effects of the digital world are affecting each successive generation of teenagers in ways that are only now beginning to come into view. iGen’ers’ communication and behaviors differ from those that characterized the Baby Boomers, Millennials, and the XGen’ers. We now know that th... |
Emotional Regulation: Teaching Children Calm
Emotional Regulation: Teaching Children Calm is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides strategies and techniques for helping children navigate their emotions.
Emotional regulation is the ability to manage one’s emotions in order to respond appropriately to life’s inevitable ups and downs. It assists with competent decision-making, augments memory for critical events, and enables productive interpersonal relations. Inappropriate emotional responses are implica... |
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence-Based Screening & Assessment
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence-Based Screening and Assessment is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that summarizes proven approaches to screening, assessing and diagnosing ASD in children and young adults.
Epidemiological studies indicate a progressively rising prevalence trend in the number of individuals identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) over the past decade. Yet, compared with general population estimates, children, and youth with mild to moderate symptoms... |
Mindfulness: The Healing Power of Compassionate Presence
Mindfulness: The Healing Power of Compassionate Presence is a 6-hour online continuing education (CE) course that will give you the mindfulness skills necessary to work directly, effectively, and courageously with your own and your clients' struggles.
Compassion towards others starts with compassion towards self. Practicing mindfulness cultivates our ability to pay intentional attention to our experience from moment to moment. Mindfulness teaches us to become patiently and spaciously aware ... |
Executive Functioning: Teaching Children Organizational Skills
Executive Functioning: Teaching Children Organizational Skills is a 4-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that will enumerate and illustrate multiple strategies and tools for helping children overcome executive functioning deficits and improve their self-esteem and organizational abilities.
Executive functioning skills represent a key set of mental assets that help connect past experience with present action. They are fundamental to performing activities such as planning, orga... |
Anxiety in Children
Anxiety in Children is a 4-hour online continuing education (CE) course that focuses on behavioral interventions for children with anxiety disorders.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, it is estimated that 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders affect one in eight children but is often not diagnosed. Untreated anxiety can lead to substance abuse, difficulties in school, and depression. Professionals who work with children, includin... |
Nurturing the Child with Special Needs
Nurturing the Child with Special Needs is a 4-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides strategies for healthcare professionals and parents to support children with special needs to manage behavior, sensory issues, and language challenges.
All children need to feel a sense of belonging and significant in ways that elicit positive responses from those around them. Sometimes, a child with special needs can alienate others when attempting to have their unique requirements ... |
Domestic Violence: Child Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence
Domestic Violence: Child Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE) course intended to help healthcare professionals maintain a high state of vigilance and to be well prepared with immediate and appropriate responses when abuse is suspected or disclosed.
Domestic violence, in the form of child abuse and intimate partner violence, remains a pervasive part of contemporary life in the U.S. Its effects are deep and far-reaching. There is a special section o... |
Psychological Effects of Shame
Psychological Effects of Shame is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE) course that explores the emotion of shame and how it affects individuals.
This course will teach therapists how to identify shame and the ways in which people try to avoid, ignore, and hide from it. Various topics will be discussed, including shaming about weight, parenting, incarceration, alcoholism, and shopping. Compensatory behaviors resulting from being shamed will also be identified.
This will lead to an ex... |
COVID-19: Picking Up the Pieces
COVID-19: Picking Up the Pieces is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE) course that examines the effects of the pandemic and the challenges we face moving forward.
This course will discuss the many aspects of COVID-19 that have affected us all, physically, psychologically, and economically. It will begin with a discussion of what pandemics are, and what differentiates COVID-19 from previous pandemics. We will then turn our attention to the psychological effects of a pandemic – from a... |
Building Resilience in Children
Building Resilience in Children is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that offers a wide variety of resilience interventions that can be used in therapy, school, and home settings.
Health professionals are treating an increasing number of children who have difficulty coping with 21st century everyday life. Issues that are hard to deal with include excessive pressure to succeed in school, bullying, divorce, or even abuse at home.
This course provides a working definition of ... |
Applied Behavior Analysis for Autism
Applied Behavior Analysis for Autism is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE) course that provides evidence-based behavioral interventions for the minimally verbal child with autism.
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) currently seems to be holding steady at one in 54 children (CDC, 2016). The communication challenges of these children are widely known and require specialized early interventions to overcome them.
This course presents evidence-based strategies that can en... |
Executive Functioning in Adults
Executive Functioning in Adults is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that provides strategies to help adults overcome executive functioning deficits.
Executive functioning (EF) is an umbrella term for the various complex cognitive processes that are responsible for cognitive control of thoughts and actions that are necessary to maintain goal‐directed behavior in pursuit of the attainment of future goals (Holst & Thorell, 2018). Executive skills allow one to organize the... |
Animal Assisted Therapy
Animal Assisted Therapy is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE) course that provides information and techniques for working with animals to help clients meet their therapeutic goals.
In Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) the human-animal bond is utilized to reach individuals who are otherwise difficult to engage in therapy. AAT has been associated with improving outcomes in four areas: autism-spectrum symptoms, medical difficulties, behavioral challenges, and emotional well-being. At a fund... |
Autism: The New Spectrum of Diagnostics, Treatment & Nutrition
Autism: The New Spectrum of Diagnostics, Treatment & Nutrition is a 4-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that reviews diagnostic changes in autism as well as treatment options and nutrition interventions - both theoretical and applied.
The first section traces the history of the diagnostic concept of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), culminating in the revised criteria of the 2013 version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the DSM-5, with specific focu... |
Improving Communication with Young Clients
Improving Communication with Your Young Clients is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that teaches communication skills for use with young clients and their families.
Healthy professional and personal relationships rely heavily on effective and respectful communication skills. Professionals can benefit from enhancing their repertoire of communication techniques to improve the quality of relationships with families and children who have communication skills deficits. The compet... |
Personality and Temperament: Connecting with Young Clients
Personality and Temperament: Connecting with Young Clients is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that demonstrates how differences in personality and temperament impact children's behavior, and how adults communicate and connect with them.
Understanding differences in temperament and personality among adults and children will ultimately assist us in developing better relationships with our clients and enhance therapy interventions, plans, and goals. Within the context of each ... |
Childhood Obesity: The Clinician’s Toolbox
Childhood Obesity: Clinician’s Toolbox is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that explores the epidemic of childhood obesity by examining the effects of high-fat, high-sugar foods, artificial sweeteners, and food marketing on children.
We will examine the ways in which these foods alter a child’s metabolism, setting them on a course of weight gain, metabolic inefficiency, and obesity. We will also review how obesity affects children’s self-perception and sense of ide... |
Overcoming Compassion Fatigue: Creative Self-Care Strategies
Overcoming Compassion Fatigue: Creative Self-Care Strategies is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that examines how to identify and treat compassion fatigue.
Loss is a recurring theme in our lives, often disguised as change, rejection, or tragedy. A caregiver is often affected directly by loss when overly engaged and immersed in the consistent demands of tending to those in distress. Some of the losses might include sleep, free time, independence, and social connections. Thes... |
HIV/AIDS: Adherence Issues
HIV/AIDS: Adherence Issues is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE) course that discusses adherence issues in populations at high risk for HIV infection.
HIV and AIDS are medical terms that are linked together due to the progressive nature of HIV. When untreated or undertreated, HIV will become AIDS. The virus can affect people of all ages " children who are born to mothers who have HIV, adolescents, adults, and elders. People who are diagnosed with HIV can live almost normal lifes... |
Ethics for Occupational Therapists
Ethics for Occupational Therapists is a text-based, 3-hour online continuing education (CE/CEU) course that teaches OTs how to address ethical and moral dilemmas in practice.
Ethical and moral issues pervade our lives and healthcare professionals are constantly confronted with a variety of ethical and moral dilemmas. Decisions can have long-range effects professionally and personally, not only for the healthcare professional, but for patients, clients, healthcare entities, and society. Why ... |
Suicide Prevention: Evidence-Based Strategies
Suicide Prevention: Evidence-Based Strategies is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that reviews evidence-based research and offers strategies for screening, assessment, treatment, and prevention of suicide in both adolescents and adults.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes, “Suicide is a serious but preventable public health problem that can have lasting harmful effects on individuals, families, and communities.” The CDC recommends a public health a... |
The Impact of a Life of ADHD: Understanding for Clinicians and Clients
The Impact of a Life of ADHD: Understanding for Clinicians and Clients is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that highlights the ways in which ADHD impacts every aspect of a person’s functioning and discusses the importance of educating clients and normalizing their difficulties as an aid to the treatment process.
This course is divided into two sections. Section 1 explores the direct affects and secondary outcomes of a lifetime of undiagnosed and untreated ADHD, followed by... |
Reporting Suspected Child Maltreatment: Legal and Ethical Issues
Reporting Suspected Child Maltreatment: Legal and Ethical Issues is a 2-hour video continuing education (CE) course that outlines the legal requirements for reporting suspected child neglect and child abuse.
Many professionals throughout the United States are mandated reporters of suspected child maltreatment. However, the legal requirement to report is often confusing to navigate in relation to other professional and ethical responsibilities. This workshop provides profession-based context... |
Mindful Minutes: Cultivating Awareness in Children
Mindful Minutes: Cultivating Awareness in Children is a 3-hour online continuing education (CE) course that provides a deeper understanding of what mindfulness is and how it can help children to develop social and emotional regulation skills, manage stress, and skillfully approach the challenges they face in life.
We begin by exploring how the attention of today’s youth is susceptible to increased demands and overstimulation from screen related technology and the idea that children’s a... |
Ageism: Combatting Stereotypes
Ageism: Combatting Stereotypes is a 1-hour online continuing education (CE) course designed to heighten awareness of ageism and how it impacts patient care.
Ageism is the act of having prejudice toward, stereotyping, and/or discriminating against people simply because they are perceived or defined as “old” (R. N. Butler, 1969). Typically, ageism includes the tendency to regard older persons as debilitated, unworthy of attention, or unsuitable for employment or other meaningful activity.... |