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Ready for a Closeup: Differentiating Inadequate Response and Emotional Blunting During Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder

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Overview / Abstract:

Major depressive disorder (MDD) can have a significant impact on your patients’ lives. However, MDD is not just about feeling “down.” It’s a life-threatening condition that is a leading cause of suicide. Fortunately, there are a variety of effective therapies; however, many patients may experience an inadequate response to treatment and others may have experience anhedonia or reduced emotional responsiveness (ie, emotional blunting) associated with both selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors/serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs/SNRIs). Do you have questions about the symptoms of emotional blunting or differentiating emotional blunting from inadequate treatment response? What about assessing the effectiveness of different therapies? Access this innovative “cinemeducation” format in which representative patient and clinician dialogues come to life to model best practices. Find out how to use measurement-based care for tracking symptoms of depression; assess and manage treatment-related emotional blunting; and involve patients in shared decision making. Enhance your clinical practices and help your patients find the light again.


Sep 29, 2024


Nurse Practitioner , Nursing CNE, Pharmacy CPE, Physician CME, Physician Assistant CME, Psychology CE, Social Work CE


Online, Webinar / Webcast / Video

Credits / Hours




Presenters / Authors / Faculty

Roger McIntyre, MD, FRCPC (Chair)
Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology
University of Toronto
Chairman and Executive Director
Brain and Cognition Discovery Foundation
Toronto, ON

Anita Clayton, MD (Faculty)
David C. Wilson Professor and Chair
Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences
Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Virginia School of Medicine
Charlottesville, VA

Sponsors / Supporters / Grant Providers

Provided by the Academy for Continued Healthcare Learning (ACHL).
Supported by an educational grant from Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

Keywords / Search Terms

ACHL cinemeducation, real-world practice, case-based experience, expert discussion, patient risk factors, emotional blunting, major depressive disorder, expert perspectives, therapy, treatment strategies, measurement-based care, MBC, shared decision making, treatment, depression, depression research, antidepressant, dose-response effect, depression therapy comparison, emotional blunting monitoring, dosing, patient education Free CE CME

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